Penetration As A Prayer

Did you ever feel that love making can take you to your depth? Can penetrate every cell of your body?

My Gift to you in this love month. Enjoy

(Part of our online lover course)


Is the act of total surrender; the sweet surrender

The full embracement and allowance

to be saturated with love

with unity, with oneness.


is you opening and opening

surrendering every inch of you to love

its he worshiping your temple

allowing himself to be vulnerable in you

inside you… inside your temple, your womb


is you welcoming his most vulnerable expression

and embracing it in the wisdom, darkness

and blood of your womb

its him expressing his deepest secrets,

love, pain, joy, wars, scars, wounds

and its you taking him in and guiding him through

the levels of worshiping your temple

and with each level you both shed more masks

along the way


it is the prayer of unconditional acceptance and love

its she uttering

“I’m taking you in fully as you are… all of you

Its he murmuring

“I wana sweat my prayers, be in you,

within you, as vulnerable as I can be;

I wanna take off my armor and my shield

at the gate of your temple… will you allow me?”

It’s she “I’m opening for you and just for you;

inspire me, ignite my fires, my passions, my love to you”

It’s he “I’m seeking insight, inspiration, focus, connection and love…

its my language, my communication”

It’s she “come on in dear beloved as deep as you can be…

its here where you can shed your tears, allow your joys and fears,

becoming you, for us to be one and true.”

It’s he “set me free of the prison of my ego… my roles…

my over-responsibilities… my guilt… my fear of entrapment

It’s she “set me free of my containment, embrace me, allow me to be…

yes I need permission sometimes, protect my freedom to be”

He smiled, she winked and the dance of freedom was initiated.

- Samar

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