To all the edge walkers, alchemists of the heart and Glitchers of the matrix The Wild, Tenacious and Fierce Leaders and Healers
“ Love doesn’t need any name, category, or definition. Love is a world in itself. Either you are in at the center or you are out yearning”
#Shams Al Tabrizi
Why NOW?
Your Circle is waiting for you
So WHAT DOES THE #WTF PACK Experience Look like?
This is an experiential and non linear process based on practice and re-membering
This Collective is by invitation only. This is the Radical #WTF experience
Who are the #WTF Pack collective?
We come from all walks of life; we are all heading in the same direction
Our Values are:
Thriving community
Balanced internal and external ecosystems
Supporting change;
Alchemizing reality;
Transmuting into higher consciousness;
Aligning with our highest potential (Golden timelines)
Warriors of the heart
Explorers of our inner landscapes
Lovers of love and life itself
Leaders in the breakthrough of humanity ( because we mastered our inner leadership)
BUT How does it all work?
Each month we dive deep into a theme through:
This Collective is by calling only. If you know you are called
Book your interview below
The collective begins on Mar 18, 2022 Each of the Pillars of community members will be interviewed to ensure alignment.
Discover What’s Limiting Your Leadership Power during intensive times of rapid transitions
Enter your name & email address below to begin